
Webinar "IP Management in EU funded projects"
Global Innovation Index 2020: Who Will Finance Innovation? / Author(s): Cornell University, INSEAD, WIPO - 448 р.
Brochure «How to set up a business in Luxembourg», July 2020. 10 p.
Global Innovation Index 2019. Creating Healthy Lives — The Future of Medical Innovation. Author(s): Cornell University, INSEAD, WIPO - 451 р.
2018-19 Innovation in Israel overview
OECD/Eurostat (2018), Oslo Manual 2018: Guidelines for Collecting, Reporting and Using Data on Innovation, 4th Edition, The Measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities, OECD Publishing, Paris/Eurostat, Luxembourg.
Enterprise Europe Network 2015-16. Final Activity Report. / Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. - Brussels, August 2017. – 55 p.
Presentation EEN 10 years
Publication "Republican Centre for Technology Transfer: 15 years in the National Innovation System (history, structure, methodology, activities, prospects)". 2018, 78 p. (in Russian)
Ross DeVol, Joe Lee, and Minoli Ratnatunga. Concept to Commercialization. The Best Universities for Technology Transfer / Milken Institute. April 2017. 52 p.
Guide “Promotion of R&D results and knowledge-intensive services to the foreign market via the Enterprise Europe Network". Minsk : Centre of System Analysis and Strategic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2017. - 140 p. (in Russian)
Guidelines on IPR Issues in EEN practice. 14 p.
EEN Guide to the Partnership Process. Final version (14 December 2011). 52 p.
EEN Merlin Partner User Guide - Version 1.18. Updated: April 28, 2015. 218 p.
EEN IT Partner User Guide. The Enterprise Europe Network IT Platform - Version 1.36. Updated: January 6, 2017. 287 p.
PCI's Commercialization Guide (USA) 2017
EEN Profile Drafting Guidelines (Version 4.2, Updated: 04 April 2017)
EEN Profile Drafting Guidelines (Version 4.1, Updated: 29 November 2016)
Handbook "New methods and models for innovation support for SMEs in tourism, cultural and creative industries". Minsk: Centre of System Analysis and Strategic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2016, 64 p. ISBN 978-985-6999-15-7. (The handbook prepared in the frame of the Swedish Institute project of the Thematic Partnerships in the Baltic Sea region program - ICE "Innovation - Creativity - Equality")
Project Handbook "NoGAP: Knowledge Transfer Community to Bridge the Gap between Research, Innovation and Business Creation". Steinbeis-Edition. 2016. 56 p.
Thomas STEIERT, "Performance Report 2015 Business Cooperation Centres of the Enterprise Europe Network". 2016, 17 p.
Belarus Investment Guide 2016. Arzinger & Partners, Baker Tilly Bel. 2016, 51 p.
Gary N. Keller, “Guide on intellectual property (IP) commercialization”. Geneva, WIPO, 2015, 133 p.
Vincent Reillon, "Overview of EU Funds for research and innovation". 2015, 8 p.
Thomas STEIERT, "Performance Report 2013-2014 Business Cooperation Centres of the Enterprise Europe Network". 2015, 28 p.
Nikolaos Floratos, "Learn from the champions in Horizon 2020". 2015, 314 p.
Technology Transfer Environmental Analysis Report. 2015. – 46 p. (The report prepared in the frame of the project FP7-INCO-2013-9 R21-ENP, no.609531 "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP")
Nikolaos Floratos, «Horizon 2020 Champions»
EEN Profile Drafting Guidelines (version - 10 April 2015)
EEN Technology Offer - Profile Template (version - July 2014)
EEN Technology Request - Profile Template (version - July 2014)
EEN Research Development Request - Profile Template (version - July 2014)
EEN Business Offer - Profile Template (version - July 2014)
EEN Business Request - Profile Template (version - July 2014)
Model contracts for licensing interoperability information. (Interoperability Information Licence Agreement). Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union. 2014 - 29 p. ISBN: 978-92-79-39867-4, DOI: 10.2759/65590
Knowledge Transfer Study 2010-2012. Luxembourg: Publications. Office of the European Union. 2013 - 383 pp. - 21 x 29,7 cm. ISBN 978-92-79-32388-1
Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia – Highlights. 2014, 44 p. (Edition of the International Energy Agency - IEA)
Handbook for services in IPR and Innovation Management. 2014, 54 p. (The handbook prepared in the frame of the project FP7-INCO-2013-9 R21-ENP, no.609531 "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP")
Handbook / Business Plan In Innovation Environment. 2014, 29 p. (The handbook prepared in the frame of the project FP7-INCO-2013-9 R21-ENP, no.609531 "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP")
Brochure / Financing Issues In Technology Transfer And Innovation. 2014, 25 p. (The handbook prepared in the frame of the project FP7-INCO-2013-9 R21-ENP, no.609531 "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP")
Brochure "Technical Assistance Services Related To Access Granting and Advancement of Technology Commercialization Projects In the Use of Renewable Energy Sources". 2014, 39 p. (The handbook prepared in the frame of the project FP7-INCO-2013-9 R21-ENP, no.609531 "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP")
The handbook for trainers "Training of Trainers in Technology Transfer". 2014, 81 p. (The handbook prepared in the frame of the project FP7-INCO-2013-9 R21-ENP, no.609531 "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP")
The handbook for SMEs and Start-ups/Entrepreneurs "Innovation management & Transnational partnership”. 2014, 83 p. (The handbook prepared in the frame of the project FP7-INCO-2013-9 R21-ENP, no.609531 "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP")
Guide "Best Practices Methodology, to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business". 2014, 38p. (The guide prepared in the frame of the project FP7-INCO-2013-9 R21-ENP, no.609531 "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP")
Handbook for researchers "Technology Transfer in the Field of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources". 2014, 114 p. (The handbook prepared in the frame of the project FP7-INCO-2013-9 R21-ENP, no.609531 "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP")
Publication "Republican Centre for Technology Transfer: 10 years in the National Innovation System (history, structure, methodology, activities, prospects)". 2013, 62p. (in Russian)
Publication of Loyens & Loeff "The revised European Competition Law Approach to Technology Transfers: Innovation friendly?" 2014
Flyer of the FP7 project "Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between research, innovation and business creation - NoGAP"
Publication of OECD “Commercialising Public Research: New Trends and Strategies". 2013
Commission Recommendation on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities and Code of Practice for universities and other public research organisations. 2008.
"Creating markets from research results". Conference report (Munich on 6-7 May 2013)
Enterprise Europe Network Merlin Client User Guide
AUTM TTP Manual, 3rd Edition:
- AUTM TTP Manual, 3rd Edition, Volume One: Pertinent Laws and Regulations
- AUTM TTP Manual, 3rd Edition, Volume Two: Managing a Technology Transfer Office
- AUTM TTP Manual, 3rd Edition, Volume Three: Managing the Invention Disclosure
- AUTM TTP Manual, 3rd Edition, Volume Four: Managing Complex/Special Issues
Manual NCIP “Objects of Industrial Property and Remunerations for their Creation and Use” (In Russian)
Manual NCIP "HOW TO OBTAIN A PATENT in Belarus?" (in Russian)
Manual NCIP "Guidelines for assessing the value of intellectual property" (in Russian)
Organizations of Innovation Infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus
Flyer of the international project "LT.InnoConnect.BY - Innovation networking for economic development"
Monograph "The Knowledge Economy: Internationalization and Taxonomy of Innovations." Vilnius: Lithuanian Innovation Centre, 2013, 704 p. (in Russian)
"Publication of the European Commission "Shading systems: Solar shading for the European climates"
"Educational Situation and Labour Market Conditions in the Baltic Sea Region - Baseline Study of Work Package 5 "Education and Economic Promotion" of the Project COOL Bricks
Interim Broschure "Energetic refurbishment of historic buildings in the Baltic Sea Region" of the Project COOL Bricks
Action Implementation Guidelines. The Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus Cross Border Cooperation Programme within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (version – 12/09/2012)
IRC Guidelines for preparing Technology Offers and Technology Requests (version – August 2006)
IRC Performance Indicators (Version 3 – July 2006)
Report "Energy Refurbishment of the Complex Fæstningens Materialgård (Copenhagen, Denmark)"
The Situation of Climate Protection and Cultural Heritage - Baseline study of Work Package 3 "Policy Development" of the Project COOL Bricks
Refurbishment for the energy efficiency of historic buildings in member states in the Baltic Sea Region - A handbook of the "most common methods for improvements to energy efficiency" - Baseline study of Work Package 4 "Technical Innovations" of the Project COOL Bricks
Guide "ENPI CBC Project Implementation in Belarus"
Flyer of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007–2013 project "COOL Bricks - Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments" (in Russian)
Express Analysis of Industrial Cooperation And the Ways of Its Development Within Eurasian Economic Community Member States (EurAsEC)
MAIN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR SMEs. PROJECT RECIPIENT COUNTRY SURVEYS: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine
Innovation Performance Review of Belarus
How to Effectively Network/Communicate in International R&D projects
Project implementation in European Union programs of international technical assistance: guidelines for partners from Belarus (in Russian)
Elaboration of project proposals to the European Union programs of international technical assistance: guidelines for partners from Belarus (in Russian)
TACIS Program in Belarus. Major outcome (in Russian)
Program manual for European Union international technical assistance to Belarus for 2007-2013 (in Russian)
Overview "Doing Business in Belarus" (in Russian, in English and in German)
Republican Centre for Technology Transfer: Success Story (in Russian)
Guide book "Policies and Legislation in the Technology Transfer Domain: World’s and National Experience" (in Russian)
Training guide "Getting Started with the EU ICT Research" (in Russian)
Legal Protection of Computer Software and Databases (in Russian) [Updated on 02.03.2010]
ICT Taxonomy of ISTOK-SOYUZ Project
Catalogue of European Technology Platforms and Networks of Excellence and relevant Interest Expression Form
Manual "Technology Foresight Survey. Why Would Belarus Need It?" (in Russian) [Updated on 23.03.2009]
Leaflet “Technology Transfer: Science and Business United” (Popularized version, primarily for entrepreneurs; in Russian) [Updated on 21.11.2008]
Leaflet "Technology Transfer, What Is This?" (the subject is set out in a popularized manner, primarily, for young people; in Russian) [Updated on 21.11.2008]
Leaflet of RCTT "Promoting of the Cooperation between Hi-Tech Developers, Entrepreneurs And Investors". [Updated on 21.11.2008]
Manual Promotion of Commercialization Projects by Using the Network of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer of the Republic of Belarus (in Chinese)
Operator's guide Filling in Electronic Forms on Investment and Innovation Projects According to the UNIDO Requirements (in Chinese)
Federal Technology Transfer Legislation and Policy (a.k.a. “the Green Book”)
Manual Expert Appraisal of Technology Commercialization Projects (in Russian)
Technology Transfer Desk Reference (Developed by Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer, USA)
Manual Funding of Commercialization Projects (in Russian) [Updated on 04.02.2008]
Manual Promoting Commercialization Projects by Using the Technology Transfer Networks (in Russian)
Manual Promotion of Commercialization Projects by Using the Network of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer of the Republic of Belarus (in Russian)
Manual for specialists engaged in technology transfer Preparing Investment Projects in the UNIDO Formats (in Russian)
Manual for specialists engaged in technology transfer Preparing Innovation Projects in the UNIDO Formats (in Russian)
Operator's guide Filling in Electronic Forms on Investment and Innovation Projects According to the UNIDO Requirements (in Russian)
Manuals for preparing projects in the format set by Inc. (USA) Network
- technology offer: TechPak Form;
- technology request: TechNeed Form;
Attention! Please read the TechNeed Writing Tips before you fill a TechNeed Form in. Once having filled the form, send it to us by e-mail: Prior to placing your information at the Inc.’s Web-site, Administrator will check whether it meets the requirements and, if needed, will contact you to make agree the definitions.
Qualifying standards for object’s images, granted to RCTT’s cyber exhibition and "Products" section
Manuals for preparing projects in the format set by Russian Technology Transfer Network (RTTN):
- technology offer: MS Word; MS Word (Zip)
- technology request: MS Word; MS Word (Zip)
- request for R&D work: MS Word; MS Word (Zip)
- R&D work offer: MS Word; MS Word (Zip)
Attention! Please read the «TO/TR Guidelines» before you fill a form in. Once having filled the form, send it to us by e-mail: Prior to placing your information at the RTTN’s Web-site, Administrator will check whether it meets the RTTN requirements and, if needed, will contact you to make agree the definitions.
A Form of Response to a Technology Request
A Form of Response to a Technology Offer
Helpful Hints on Writing Success Stories
Manual Preparing Innovation Projects to Be Submitted for Consideration at the Committee of Science and Technologies at the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (in Russian)
Guidelines on the Procedures of Competitive Selection and Implementation of Innovation Projects Funded by Belarusian Innovation Foundation (in Russian)
Regulations of the Procedures of Setting Commercial Innovation Enterprises, with Academtechnopark Innovation Association Involved (in Russian)
Documents used by Belarusian economy agents: Model agreements, constitutive business documents, reference documents pertaining to taxation, bookkeeping and accounting procedures, bank transactions