Library (2011 - ...)

Presentations Made at the International Seminar "Transfer of the Innovation Technologies"
Azerbaijan, Baku, 23-24 October 2012
Program of the seminar
Prof. William Rosenberg – University of Massachusetts (USA) “University of Massachusetts Commercial Venture and Intellectual Property”
Dr. Scott Inwood – Waterloo University (Canada) “Commercialization at the University of Waterloo”
Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron – The Open University of İsrael (İsrael) “Technology Transfer and the Role of IP”
Acad. Michael Ugrumov – Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia) “Competitiveness of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Science and Technologies: СURRENT STATE, Problems and Prospects”
Prof. Solovyov Vyaçeslav – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine) “The Problems of Creation an Effective National Policy for International Technology Transfer in Transition Economies”
Dr. Alexander Uspenskiy – Innovation Association “Republican Centre for Technology Transfer” (Belarus) “Technology transfer in the Republic of Belarus: State, Problems and Prospects”

Presentations Made at the Seminar
"Possibilities for development of scientific career and the international mobility of scientists"
Belarus, Minsk, 27 September 2012
Olga Meerovskaya, BelISA «International cooperation in FP7: competitions of 2013 as a step on a way to the program «the Horizon – 2020». The analysis of participation of Belarus in FP7»
Vladimir Labunov, Belarusian State University of Iinformatics and Radioelectronics «The FP7 BELERA project as the instrument of development of scientific capacity of the Belarusian state university of informatics and radio electronics in the field of carbon nanotubes and photonics»
Assos.Prof. Elissaveta Gourova, Bulgaria «Opportunities for scientific careers development and international mobility of researchers in the FP7 Programme People»
Dr. Polina Kuzhir, Institute of nuclear problems, Belarusian state university Institute of nuclear problems, Belarusian State University «A role of the international mobility for formation of the young researcher and development of career of skilled scientists: influence of FP7 TerACaN, CACOMEL, BYNANOERA projects»
Assos.Prof. Elissaveta Gourova, Krassimir Dimitrov, EURAXESS Ambassador, Bulgaria «Policy of EU in questions of development of career and the international mobility of researchers and a role of a portal of EURAXESS»
Ekaterina Minyukovich, TEMPUS program office in Belarus «Possibilities of the international mobility for researchers and teachers of higher education institutions within the ERASMUS MUNDUS program»
Olga Meerovskaya, BelISA «Mobility support for use of scientific infrastructure of EU»
Larisa Kudelko, Olga Meerovskaya, BelISA «Information and consulting support of scientific cooperation with EU in Belarus»
«Information National scientific and technical portal of Republic of Belarus»

Presentations Made at the Workshop "Commercializing scientific research and developments (CSRD)"
Belarus, Minsk, 6-7 February 2012
Dr. Alexander USPENSKIY – Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, Belarus, Director "The concept of commercializing scientific research and developments (CSRD) – Current state-of-play in Belarus"
Evgeniy Sesitsky – National Centre for Intellectual Property Protection, Belarus, Head of Unit "Commercialization of Intellectual Property. Efficiency measures"
Prof. Giorgio SIMONETTO – Veneto Innovazione spa, Italy "Best practice in regional innovation strategies and using research based clusters to stimulate economic development"
Dr. Ramón NOGUERA HANCOCK - Escuela de Alta Dirección y Administración, Spain "Building Environments for Technology and Knowledge Transfer – The Spanish example"
Anne JENSEN & Rikke Louise VINTHER – Danish Patent and Trendmark Office, Denmark "Specific Examples of the successful institutional structures of the CSRD in the EU member States (Technology Transfer Centers, Technology Parks, Venture Financing etc.)"
Anne JENSEN & Rikke Louise VINTHER – Danish Patent and Trendmark Office, Denmark "Model Contracts for Technology Commercializing Projects, Royalty Rates and Distribution within the Institution"
Anne JENSEN & Rikke Louise VINTHER – Danish Patent and Trendmark Office, Denmark "European training system on CSRD (Training Prorammes for Professionals in the Area of Technology Transfer)"

Proceedings of 3rd Belarusian Innovation Forum
Belarus, Minsk, 15-18 November 2011
Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Science 3rd Belarusian Innovation Forum

Presentations Made at the Mutual Learning Workshop: Strategic Intelligence for Extended Regional Coherence (UNIDO Eurasian Virtual Center for Foresight 2.0)
Romania, Bucharest, 29-31 August 2011
Prof. Adrian Curaj, PhD "Romanian Higher Education facing the Future"
Dr.Ing. Ricardo Seidl da Fonseca "Virtual Clearing Houses for Foresight"
Pilar Rodríguez-Ruiz "Manager “Club Innovation and Future” Observatory for Industrial Technology Foresight (OPTI)"
Tatiana Chernyavskaya "EVC from the launch till now – programme and activities in 2006-2011"
Prof. Adrian Curaj, PhD "EVC Funding Strategy"
Nobuyuki SHIRAKAWA "Foresight-related activities at NISTEP"
Dr. Matthias Weber (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Dan Grosu (Executive Agency for HE & RDI Funding) "European activities in Foresight – Opportunities for EVC 2.0"
Dr. Nares Damrongchai, Executive Director APEC Center for Technology Foresight "Foresight Activities in Thailand and the Asia-Pacific Region"

Presentations Made at the Seminar "Technology Transfer Foundations"
Belarus, Minsk, 8 July 2011
Mr. Kenneth W. Porter "Technology Transfer Foundations"
Mr. Kenneth W. Porter "Technology Transfer Practice"
Mr. Kenneth W. Porter "Technology Transfer Office Structure"
Mr. Kenneth W. Porter "Technology Management"
Mr. Kenneth W. Porter "Technology Licensing"

Presentations Made at the ISTOK-SOYUZ Final Event
Russia, Moscow, 7 June 2011
Svetlana Klessova, inno AG, ISTOK-SOYUZ project coordinator «ISTOK-SOYUZ and Partnering projects. Results and recommendations for the EU-EECA collaboration»
Tofig Babayev, Azerbaijan 7FP ICT NCP «EXTEND: consultation process and the main findings for the EECA countries»
Tatyana Lyadnova, ICT NCP, Belarus, Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere (BELISA) «FP7 Help-Desk and its services»
Maria Zhdanova, Manager-researcher, LNT Ltd. «ISTOK-SOYUZ Hands-on support to ICT team of the LNT Ltd.»
Lev Shchur, Computational Physics Group, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics «Information technology and computer science: infrastructure for collaborative environment»
Nikolai Pakulin «The Lessons Learnt»
Manuel Hallen, S&T Counsellor, Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation «European Technology Platforms - ETP»
Alexander Petrenko «New initiative on Russian Technology Platforms creation. Example of ICT RTP initiative and prospects of EU-RU cooperation between RTP and relevant European Technology Platforms»
В.В. Иванов, заместитель главного ученого секретаря Президиума РАН, д.э.н. «Приоритеты в области ИКТ в Программе фундаментальных научных исследований государственных академий наук на 2008-2012 гг. и дальнейшую перспективу»
Marat Biktimirov, Director-General, The national association of research and educational infrastructures "e-ARENA" «Policy dialogue in ICT to an Upper level for Reinforced EU-EECA Cooperation (PICTURE)»
Anton Yanovsky, Gate2RuBIN Team Leader «The role of innovative infrastructure in EECA R&D teams support for participation in EU R&D programs; example of Enterprise Europe Network – Russia»
Jean-Charles Point, CEO JCP-Consult «Call 8/9, evolution to FP8»

Library (2003 - 2010)

Proceedings of 2nd Belarusian Innovation Forum and 1st Belarusian Venture Fair
Belarus, Minsk, 18-19 November 2010
Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Science 2nd Belarusian Innovation Forum
Proceedings of the 1st Belarusian Venture Fair

Proceedings of the International Conference of Applied Science “1st Belarusian Innovation Forum”
Belarus, Minsk, 17-18 November 2009
Proceedings of 1st Belarusian Innovation Forum: Volume 1
Proceedings of 1st Belarusian Innovation Forum: Volume 2

Reports and Presentations Made at the International Seminar on Technology Foresight for the Republic of Belarus
Belarus, Minsk, 27 March 2009
Agenda of the seminar
А. Sokolov, Director of the Foresight Centre with the Higher School of Economics (Russia) "Technology Foresight Surveys in Russia. Theory and Practice"
A. Markov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus "Prospects for Application of the Technology Foresight Approaches in the System of Long-Term Development Planning in Belarus"
V. Goncharov, Head of the Department for Innovative Development of Economy, the Institute of Economics under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus "Technology Foresight Surveys for the Republic of Belarus. Aims, Goals, Organizational Arrangements"
O. Kobyak, Deputy Director of the Minsk Research Institute of Socioeconomic Problems, A. Shablovskiy, Principal Researcher of the Institute of Language and Literature under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus "Expert Pool Formation Principles for Technology Foresight Surveys in Belarus"
A. Uspenskiy, Director of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer "Capacities of RCTT for Assistance in Preparing and Organizing the Technology Foresight Survey in Belarus"
Dr.-Ing. Ricardo Seidl da Fonseca, Pilar Rodriguez-Ruiz (UNIDO) "Foresight for developing countries and economies in transition"
Dr.-Ing. Ricardo Seidl da Fonseca (UNIDO) "UNIDO Technology Foresight Initiative"
Jack E. Smith (Director, S&T Foresight, Office of the National Science Advisor, Privy Council Office, Government of Canada) "Science and Technology Foresight: Provocateur for Innovation Policy?"
Mu Rongping, Ren Zhongbao (Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences) "Technology Foresight towards 2020 in China: the Practice and its Impacts"

Materials of the International Conference on "South-South Cooperation for Technology Transfer and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)"
Sri Lanka, Colombo, 18 — 22 August 2008
Agenda of the conference
Dr. K. Ramanathan, Head, Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), India "An Overview of Technology Transfer and Technology Transfer Models"
Dr. Sarath Abeywardene, Former Head, Sri Lanka Programme, International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka "Technology Transfer and Transfer Models: A Sri Lankan Perspective"
Dr. Poornima Sharma, Managing Director, Biotech Consortium India Limited, India "NATIONAL EXPERIENCES IN TRANSFER OF BIOTECHNOLOGIES"
Prof. D.P. Kothari, Vice Chancellor, Vellore University, India "South-South Cooperation for Technology Transfer and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises: VIT Experiences"
Mr. JUAN ALFREDO PINTO, AMBASSADOR OF COLOMBIA TO INDIA "South-South Cooperation for Technology Transfer and Development of SMEs"
Muditha P Liyanagedara, Kushani Jayaweera, Ranil D Guneratne, National Science and Technology Commission, Sri Lanka "Factors Governing the Success or Failure of Technology Transfer State Sector Experience of Sri Lanka"
Mrs. Janet Ibrahim Youseef, President, Invention and Innovation Agency, Academy of Scientific Research Technology, Egypt "The Strategy of Egypt in enhancing the small and medium enterprises"
Prof. Dr. Dilip Subba, Secretary, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Nepal "SMEs AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN NEPAL"
Dr. Roselyn Gakure, Chairman, Entrepreneurship & Procurement Department, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya "FACTORS AFFECTING UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ORGANIZATIONS"
Eng. Clement M. Malisawa, Technology Analyst, National Technology Business Centre (Ministry of Science, Technology, & Vocational Training), Zambia "SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES - ZAMBIA"
Dr. Tajammul Hussain, Director General (International Affairs), COMSATS, Pakistan "SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION for DEVELOPMENT of SMALL and MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMEs)"
Prof. Charles G Kwesiga, Executive Director, Uganda Industrial Research Institute, Uganda "PROMOTING COMPETITIVENESS: Investment in Value Addition and Technology Transfer"
Prof. Arun Kulshreshtha, Director, NAM S&T Centre, India "Presentation on NAM S&T Centre"
Mr. A. Balachandran, Manager, VIT University, India "Role of Business Incubation systems for facilitating Technology Transfer and Development"
Dr. Nighat Afza, Director Planning & Development PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Pakistan "Status of SMEs in Pakistan and its Possible Uplift by PCSIR"
Dr. Matheo L. Raphael, Director, Centre for the Development and Transfer of Technology, Commission for Science and Technology Tanzania, Tanzania "TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: TANZANIA EXPERIENCE"
Dr. D.M. Karunaratne, Director General, NIPR Office, Sri Lanka "Role of IP in facilitating the transfer of technology"
Eng. Jayantha Ranatunga, Chairman, National Engineering Research and Development Centre, Sri Lanka "Technology as a Package for Effective Technology Transfer"
Mr. Lyson John Kampira, Chief S&T officer, Department of Science and Technology, Malawi "Technology transfer and related policies for SME sector development in Malawi"
Mr. Lakshman Wijewardene, Director General, Industrial Service Bureau, Sri Lanka "Role of Business Development Service Providers – Implementation of Technology transfer"
Mr. Titus Jayawardena, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Industrial Development, Sri Lanka "Industrial Policy Initiatives and Technology Transfer"
Prof. Ananda Jayawardene, Dean Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka "Public-Private Sector Partnership"
Mrs. Corlette Molefe, Esther Siluma & David Phaho, Tshumisano Trust, Department of Science and Technology, South Africa "The Efficacy of Technology Diffusion Initiatives from South African Universities to Enhance SME Competitiveness and Sustainability"
Dr. C. Kudagamage, Director General of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka "TECHNOLOGY AS A PACKAGE FOR EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: Agriculture: in the state sector"
Mr. Arun Seetharaman, International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI), INDIA "International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) INDIA"
Dr Alexander A. Uspenskiy, Director, Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, Republic of Belarus "Cooperation of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer with International Technology Transfer Networks"
Mr. Vijaya Kumar Chairman, Industrial Technology Institute, Sri Lanka "Technology Transfer – Challenges to Developing Countries like Sri Lanka"
Mr. A.R. Ameratunga, Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology, Sri Lanka "Vidatha Programme"
Mr. Keith Jacobs, Assistant Dean, Cape Penninsula University, Bellville, South Africa "The Effect of Information Channels and Networks on Knowledge Generation and Technology Transfer in Small and Medium Enterprises"
Mr. K.G. Ramani, CEO, Pat Inc. Solutions India, Pvt. Ltd., India "South-South Cooperation for Technology Transfer and Development of SME’s"
Ms. Ngo Thi Loan, Center for Regional Research and Development Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam "Technological renovation in Vietnam’s SMEs"
Mr. Bashir Rajab Kagere, Policy Analyst, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, Uganda "CHALLENGES OF INTEGRATING THE “JUA KALIS” INTO THE NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM IN UGANDA"
Mr. Abdulilah Mohammed Saleh, Senior Chief Chemist, Ministry of Planning and Development Corporation, Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control, Iraq "Participation of ( COSQC ) in technology transfer and development of Iraqi enterprises"
Ms. Anteng Setia Ningsih, Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control, Indonesia "BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY CENTER IN INDONESIA"

Materials on the International Conference “Scientific and Technological Innovation: National Experience and International Cooperation” and 59th Session of the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the ICSTI Member States
Egypt, Alexandria , 15 — 16 May 2008
Agenda of the seminar
● Mr. V. Fokin, Deputy Head of Department, ICSTI "Innovation business support in ICSTI Community: activities and projects"
● Mr. B. Enkhtuvshin, Vice President of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, Director of Science and Technologies Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia, Mongolia "Actual issues of science, technology and innovation in Mongolia"
● Mr. J. Miller, Chief Librarian, UNESCO Library "Projects and activities of UNESCO Library"
● Ms. E. Lenchuk, Head of the Sector for Institutions of Innovation Development, Institute of Economy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation "Innovation system of Russian Federation"
● Mr. O. Shatberashvili, President, Georgian Federation for Information and Documentation, Georgia "Innovation potential of the NIS countries: view from outside and inside"
● Ms. V. Grashkina, Executive Director, National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID), Republic of Bulgaria "Infrastructure for knowledge transfer in the Republic of Bulgaria"
● Ms. V. Fetiniuc, Director, Institute of Economics , Finance and Statistics, Academy of Sciences Ministry of Economics and Commerce of the Republic of Moldova, Republic of Moldova "Science and innovation - two major factors for development assurance of Republic of Moldova"
● Mr. A. Yamchuk, Director, Ukrainian Institute for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information, Ukraine "UkrISTEl practical contribution in development of Innovation Promotion Network of ICSTI"
● Mr. A. Tichy-Racs, Head of unit. National Technical Information Centre & Library (BME-OMIKK), Republic of Hungary "The Hungarian Innovation System"
● Mr. V. Kotelnikov, Advicer, ICSTI "Innovation Leader - a global network of Ten3 licenced business consultants and trainers"
● Mr. V. Lingela, General Manager, International Cooperation and Research, Department of Science and Technology, Republic of South Africa "The evolution of the South African innovation strategy: Towards technological innovation capability of firms"
● Mr. A. Uspenskiy, Director, Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, Republic of Belarus "Technology transfer legislation and policy in the Republic of Belarus"
● Mr. P. Svejda, Secretary General, Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of Czech Republic "The innovation potential of the Czech Republic"
● Mr. G. Teseleanu, President of Concept-Italy, University of Macerata, Italy "Antipollution system of Italy"
● Mr. Amir Wassef "Egyptian industry and academic research"
● Mr. Tarek Hussein, President of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of the Arabic Republic of Egypt "Innovation strategy"
● Mr. M. Kerimov "Azerbaijan: economy of innovations"

Materials on the International Seminar
«Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007 – 2013: New Partnership Opportunities for Russian and Belarusian Regions»
Russia, St. Petersburg, 16 — 17 April 2008
Agenda of the seminar
List of Participants
Project Idea Book
Participants of the Partner Search Cafe
Programme Documents
Workshops on the Specific Priorities :
Workshop 1: fostering of innovations
Workshop 2: internal and external accessibility of the region (transport and ICT)
Workshop 3: Baltic Sea as a common resource
Workshop 4: attractive and competitive cities and countries

Materials on the International UNIDO-ICSTI Seminar "Scientific and Technological Innovation:
National Experience and International Cooperation"
Austria, Vienna, May 29—30, 2007
Agenda of the seminar
● Mr. N. Illarionov, Head of Department, ICSTI Methodology of construction and the current state of creation of the Innovation Promotion Network of ICSTI community
● Mr. G. Aishemberg, Director, Regional and Field Coordination Branch, UNIDO UNIDO in the Field: vehicle for technology innovation
● Mr. G. Assaf, Unit Chief, Technology Promotion Unit, UNIDO The Role of UNIDO in the Promotion of Innovations and International Technology Cooperation
● Mr. A. Sissakian, Director, JINR International Scientific Centre in Dubna and the Innovation Area Around It
● Mr. A. Tolstenkov, Head of Unit, INIS & NKMS, IAEA International Partnerships in Managing INIS and Nuclear Knowledge
● Ms. S. Rehme, Vice Chairman, Energy Technology Data Exchange Multilateral Exchange of Energy Research Information: The Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE)
● Mr. G. Donocik, Chief, Europe and NIS Programme, UNIDO Overview of UNIDO Technology Related Programmes in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Newly Independent States (NIS)
● Mr. Ye. Sulejmenov, Director-General, National Centre for Scientific and Technological Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan Information support of innovation processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan (in Russian)
● Ms. V. Kocere, Director, Latvian Academic Library, Republic of Latvia Innovation Technologies for Development of Libraries in Latvia
● Mr. M. Sherif El-Eskandarany, Vice-President of Academy of Scientific Research & Technology of the Arab Republic of Egypt, ARE Scientific Research & Innovation in Egypt
● Mr. Y. P. Kumar, Adviser & Head, International Division, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, Republic of India Participation of India in Multilateral S&T Programmes
● Mr. V. Kratenok, Director, Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support for Scientific and Technical Sphere, Republic of Belarus National Innovation System in the Republic of Belarus: Experience and Peculiarities of its Formation
● Ms. V. Grashkina, Executive Director, National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID), Republic of Bulgaria Information interface supporting Science-Industry links (in Russian)
● Mr. N. Ilias, President of Association "Universitatia GEROM"; I. Cioara, Marketing Director of "Rominvest International", Petrosani, Romania Towards "clean" mining technology through technical-scientific innovation
● Mr. G. Teseleanu, President of CONCEPT, Italy CONCEPT’s Strategy of Promoting Innovative Ideas and Investment in Eastern and Central European Countries
● Mr. A. Tichy-Racs, Head of unit, National Technical Information Centre & Library at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME-OMIKK), Republic of Hungary BME OMIKK experience on dissemination of information on the research and technological development activities in Hungary
● Mr. B. Boreschievici, Director of Patent Collection, IT, Public Services Directorate, State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM), Romania Role of industrial Property Protection in innovation process in Romania
● Mr. A. Uspenskiy, Director, Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, Republic of Belarus Cooperation of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer with International Technology Transfer Networks
● Mr. F. Gasimov, Director, State Centre for Registration of R&D results, Azerbaidjan Organization and management of R&D activities in the Republic of Azerbaidjan (in Russian)

Materials on the International Seminar “Managing Intellectual Property of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
in the Belarus High Technologies Park”
Belarus, Minsk, January 23—25, 2007
Agenda of the seminar
Seminar photos
● Mr. Guriqbal Singh Jaiya, Director of the SMEs Division, WIPO, Geneva, Switzerland An Overview of National and International Intellectual Property Systems and the Role of WIPO

Marketing Software Products: The Importance of Trademarks and Industrial Designs - Case Studies

Intellectual Property Audit and Due Diligence
● Mrs. Lien Verbauwhede, Consultant, SMEs Division, WIPO, Geneva, Switzerland Intellectual Property Issues in a Company Website

Intellectual Property Ownership: Avoiding Disputes

The Importance of Trade Secrets for Software Companies
● Prof. Dr. Marie-Christine Janssens, Catholic University of Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium Protection for Databases

Fair Use & Software Reverse Engineering
● Mr. Andrés Guadamuz, E-Commerce lecturer, University of Edinburgh, UK The Software Patent Debate

Viral Contracts or Unenforceable Documents? Contractual Validity of Copyleft Licences
● Mr. Ihar Kavalevich, Head of Auditor’s Services, the National Center of Intellectual Property (NCIP), Minsk, Belarus IP Registration as a Control Instrument and a Source of Administrative Decision Making

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Software in Belarus
● Mr. Serhei Shabeka, Head of the Copyright Protection Department, National Center of Intellectual Property (NCIP), Minsk, Belarus Copyright Protection for Software in Belarus
● Mr. Sergey Vinogradov, Patent Attorney, PAG–E–PAG, Minsk, Belarus Patent Protection for Software in Belarus and Eurasia – Case Studies
● Mr. Pravin Anand, Attorney, Anand & Anand, New Delhi, India Dealing with Software Piracy

Practical Issues in Licensing of Software
● Mr. Olivier Gabriel Michel Sacroug, specialist of KATZAROV SA, Geneva, Switzerland Digital Rights Management (DRM) and Software Products

Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in Software

Presentations by Representatives of the Organizations Involved in the Project
"Creating International Innovation Centre of Eastern Europe"
Suwalki, Poland, 10 February 2005
● Waclaw J. Bilkowski,
   Anna Naszkiewicz
Park Naukowo-Technologiczny Polska-Wschód
● Alexander Uspenskiy Republican Centre for Technology Transfer (Belarus)
● Kastytis Gečas Lithuanian Innovation Centre: Providing innovation support services

Rresentation by Mr. Zemitis, Manager of Business Environment Unit (Latvian Investment and Development Agency) at Seminar “Latvia’s Experience in Attracting Foreign Investments”
Belarus, Minsk, 22 April 2004
The Latvian Pattern: Promoting foreign Investments and Removing Administrative Bars

Materials of the Expert Group Meeting on Nanotechnology
Belarus, Minsk, November 10—12, 2003
Address of Ms. Dan Liang Director of Industrial Promotion and Technology Branch of UNIDO to UNIDO-IMAAC Expert Group Meeting on Nanotechnology
Dr. Werner ROM. NANONET-Styria     [Download]
Dr. Margareth SPANGLER ANDRADE. Nanotechnology in Brazil     [Download]
Prof. C. GAJENDRAN. Precision Engineering Micro Engineering and Nano Technology     [Download]
Dr. Enzo DI FABRIZIO. Nanotechnology for Interdisciplinary Research     [Download]
Dr. Akira KAMIYA. New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization     [Download]
Dr. Sci. Sergey GAPONENKO. Optics of Nanostructures: Science, Technology, Applications     [Download]
Prof. Dr. Alexander L. GURSKII. Nanostructures with Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots     [Download]
Dr. Alexander M. ILYANOK. Nanovation Technology Program     [Download]
Academician Vladimir A. LABUNOV. Presentation     [Download]
Dr. Sang Hee SUH. Strategy and Programs for Nanotechnology Development of Korea     [Download]

Presentations of the UNIDO Training Course Technology Foresight for Practitioners
Czech Republic, Prague, October 6 —10, 2003
Regional Initiative on Technology Foresight in CEE/NIS
Socio-Economic Aspects of Foresight
Scoping Foresight
Brainstorming — Creative Problem Solving Method
Using Expert Panels in Foresight
Foresight Tools — Scenario Planning
Fast-Start Technology Roadmapping
Selection of Research Priorities — Method of Critical Technologies
Foresight Tools — Delphi Surveys

Presentations of the 12th International Seminar
Scientific-Technical Information in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
Poland, Zakopane, May 21—24, 2003
New Instruments of 6th Framework Programme in the Information Society Technology Thematic Area
The International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
Marie Curie Actions
New Opportunities for Business and Innovation Incubators Development

Reports of the International Seminar
Dispute Resolution in Court and Administration Procedure
Belarus, Minsk, April 24—25, 2003
Dispute Resolution at the UK Patent Office
Dispute Resolution: UK Patent Court and Court System
Out of court settlements - UK Procedures: Arbitration and mediation
Dispute Resolution at the European Patent Office
Dispute Resolution in the courts of the Republic of Belarus: Industrial property
Dispute Resolution at the German Patent and Trademarks Office
Dispute Resolution at the German Patent Court BPG
Dispute Resolution in the German courts and out of court settlements in Germany