RCTT is a participant of the new European project - ICE

Republican Centre for Technology Transfer represents Belarus in the new The Swedish Institute project of the Thematic Partnerships in the Baltic Sea region program - "Innovation - Creativity - Equality" (ICE).
The total budget of the project - 3 000 000 SEK
Start of the project - December 1, 2013
Project duration - 36 months.
The ICE consortium is composed of 6 organizations from 5 countries (Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Poland):
1. County Administrative Board of Östergotland, Sweden - Lead Partner
2. HELIX Vinn Excellence Centre Linköping University, Sweden
3. KTU Regional Science Park, Lithuania
4. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science, Latvia
5. Innovation Association "Republican Centre for Technology Transfer", Belarus
6. 4C Social Economy Center Krzysztof Musiatowicz, Poland
As an overall aim, the project will:
   - foster economic growth and competitiveness of the Baltic Sea region (BSR) through increasing SME's innovation capacity and equality, especially in the sectors of tourism, and cultural and creative businesses;
   - utilize the knowledge, best practices, from various organizations - social non-profit organizations, public sector and private companies - in terms of increasing SME innovation capacity in female-dominated sectors such as tourism, and cultural and creative businesses (TCCI);
   - develop and disseminate methods around common challenges based on innovation-development in SMEs linked to TCCI.