Russian Network RTTN as a Tool of Technology Transfer - Friday, July 02, 2004

A seminar for the member organizations with Russian Technology Transfer Network (RTTN) was held on 30 June in the city of Obninsk, at the local Centre of Science and Technologies.


Representatives of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, Franco-Russian technology network project RFR, the Southern Centre for Technology Transfer (Krasnodar), the Ural Regional Centre for Technology Transfer (Yekaterinburg), Centre for Technology Transfer (a private company from Moscow), Tekhnopark in Moskvorechje (an international research and technology park in Moscow) and other organizations took part in the seminar organized by the CST of Obninsk.


The participants took up the following issues:

- the praxis of technology transfer in Russia and abroad;

- the present-day tools of technology transfer: Russian Technology Transfer Network RTTN, Franco-Russian technology network project RFR, the European Network of IRCs (Innovation Relay Centres);

- the electronic resources of the RTTN;

- formation and filing of technologic profiles in the RTTN, RFR and IRC networks;

- the methodology of audit of technologies;

- working with the clients of the RTTN (customer service);

- the work regulations of the RTTN.


Besides, during the seminar there were considered certain problems in concern with technology transfer and methods for solution thereof.