Study visit of the Project LT.InnoConnect.BY in Alytus (Lithuania)
The regularly scheduled Study visit N2 of the project "LT.InnoConnect.BY - Innovation networking for economic development" took place in Alytus (Lithuania) on June 12-14, 2012. The project LT.InnoConnect.BY is carried out in the context of the Cross Border Cooperation Programme "Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus".
The theme of the Study visit was: "Regional innovation system in Alytus County: support to business innovation". Inviting party of the visit was Business Cooperation Centre of Southern Lithuania.
In the Study visit participated representatives of the partner organizations of the project:
- Lithuanian Innovation Centre (Vilnius, Lithuania).
- Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Grodno, Belarus).
- Educational Institution “Polotsk State University” (Novopolotsk, Belarus).
- Republican Centre for Technology Transfer (Minsk, Belarus)
- Panevėžys Science and Technology Park (Panevėžys, Lithuania).
- Business Cooperation Center of Southern Lithuania (Alytus, Lithuania).
- Kaunas University of Technology (Kaunas, Lithuania).
Agenda of the Study visit available for download here.
Participants of the visit got acquainted with the regional innovation system of Alytus County, forms of support of business innovations, participated in the Conference "Investment attractiveness of Alytus County, its capabilities in the context of Lithuania and the World". During the Study visit was held a Project meeting were partners discussed financial reporting and defined next steps of the action plan.