Meetings of the project COOL Bricks in Vilnius and Gdansk
A Work Package 5 "Education" meeting of the project "COOL Bricks - Climate Change, Cultural Heritage & Energy Efficient Monuments" took place in Vilnius (Lithuania) on April 12-13, 2012. At the meeting employees of the Vilnius Technical University presented a draft of developed educational materials. Participants of the meeting discussed the materials, made additions and set plan for further actions.
In the frame of the meeting a tour of historical part of Vilnius was organized.
The inviting party was Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
In the frame of the project COOL Bricks an International Conference "Monuments Protection - Energy Efficiency" took place in Gdansk (Poland) on April 16, 2012. The Conference gathered around 100 participants from Belarus, England, Finland, Germany, Poland, Russia and Sweden. The themes of presented report could be found in the Conference's agenda.
Hand-out materials for the participants included first published baseline studies of the project COOL Bricks. PDF-versions of baseline studies are available for download here:
- The Situation of Climate Protection and Cultural Heritage - Baseline study of Work Package 3 "Policy Development" - PDF, 1.7 MB
- Refurbishment for the energy efficiency of historic buildings in member states in the Baltic Sea Region - A handbook of the "most common methods for improvements to energy efficiency" - Baseline study of Work Package 4 "Technical Innovations" - PDF, 1.4 MB,
and on the website of RCTT in partition "Manuals".
On the previous day a tour of Gdansk was organized for the participants of the project COOL Bricks. It included visiting the historical part of the city, "Solidarity" museum, city areas "Garnizon", Letnica and the Hewelianum Centre.
The inviting party was European Foundation for Monuments Protection (Poland).