RCTT took part in 2nd International Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Achievements in Harbin. The exhibition was held on 15-19 June. RCTT got to the event owing to the support rendered by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus (SCST) and the UNDP in the framework of the Project “Strengthening the National System for Technology Transfer in the Republic of Belarus on the Basis of Information and Communication Technologies”.
The International Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Achievements was held in Harbin on 15-19 June 2008.
During the exhibition RCTT promoted
· projects, R&D products, and services offered by the organizations and enterprises under the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
· the services and information resources offered by RCTT to foreign companies and investors;
· the international projects in which RCTT has been involved.
A total of more than 200 representatives from the CIS countries (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine) took part in the exhibition.
During the exhibition RCTT signed
· an agreement of collaboration with the Harbin centre for International Scientific and Technological Transfer (the covenant is related to the technology transfer field);
· a letter of intentions with the Fen Da, Ltd. (Ilan, China) concerning the assistance in acquisition of a novel technology for increased fertility of loamy sand soil by applying fertilizers, stabilization agents and intermediate crops (the method developed by the Institute of Agricultural Chemistry and soil science of Belarus).
Besides, RCTT took part in drafting and preparation of
· the letter of intentions signed between the Institute of Experimental Botany (Belarus) and the Agricultural Technologies, a company from Heilongjiang Province (Harbin, China) related to study of the potential application and production of Mycolin®, a biotechnology-based product developed at the aforementioned Belarusian institute;
· the agreement of establishing a joint company Sino-Belarusian Society for manufacture and Sales of Agricultural Machines (the covenant was signed by the State Centre of Applied Science for Mechanical Aids in Agriculture with the Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Heilongjian Provincial Academy of Agricultural Mechanical Engineering Science.
Director of RCTT Mr. Uspenskiy and General Manager of the VTB Bank (www.vtb.ru) Mr. Koh, representative of the Sino-Russian law firm Novyi Most Ms Sung, and Director of the Representative Office of the Belarusian Chamber and Commerce in Beijing Mr. Babak conferred on several issues in concern with international cooperation in the technology transfer domain.