On 16 September the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the head office of the Republican Centre for Technology transfer were visited by Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation Mr. P. Klimuk and Senior Advisor of the Scientific and Technical Collaboration Group of the Embassy Mr. I. Grigoriev. The guests studied closely the activity of RCTT, the lines and areas particular of the Centre’s collaboration with its counterparts, research and technology specialized organizations in Russia and other countries. The embassy officers took an outlook to possible forms of their interaction with RCTT. Such assistance will be aimed at: steady, wider-scale commercialization of science-intensive products designed and manufactured under the government-supported scientific and technical programmes; promotion of advanced Belarusian products to the market of Russia; efficient solution of the top priority problems of the agroindustrial complex of Belarus; reinforcement of the competitive capacities of Belarusian products and thereby entering wider market sectors.