10. Other Industrial Manufacturing Technologies
10.1 Laser en-route gas analyzer
10.2 Single-beam multifrequency laser clearing unit
10.3 Space system for remote Earth sensing
10.4 Methods of applications handling on getting space information
10.6 Remote device for temperature measuring with 1,0E-04°С accuracy
10.7 Elements for controlling generation impulse length of ruby and neodymium lasers
10.8 Light filters for IR range of spectrum
10.11 FLUDARABEL – pharmaceutical substance and medical drug
10.12 LEICLADIN – pharmaceutical substance and medical drug
10.13 ZAMICIT - pharmaceutical substance and medical drug for AIDS treatment
10.14 CITABARIN – pharmaceutical substance and medical drug for acute and chronic leukemia treatment
10.15 Assay kit for enzyme-linked immunoassay of thyroglobulin in human blood serum “IFA-TG”
10.16 Assay kit for enzyme-linked immunoassay of cortisol in human blood serum “IFA-CORTISOL”
10.20 Microbial preparation Rizofos for increasing the crop capacity of legumes
10.21 Adhesives for protective coatings, multilayer polymer films and products
10.22 Small size ceramic antennas for navigators