11. Sciences (Chemistry, Physics etc)
11.4 Gas analyzer for air pollution control
11.5 Compact sources with eye-safe emission
11.6 Laser diodes, laser diode gages and based on them solid-state lasers
11.8 Laser en-route gas analyzer
11.9 Lidar systems for atmospheric monitoring
11.10 Single-beam multifrequency laser clearing unit
11.11 Laser material scan marking and laser material cutting unit
11.13 System of computer planning of hip joint surgeries
11.14 Technology and infrastructure of resource allocation to users in Grid- environment
11.15 Nano diagnostic complex with scanning probe microscopy and optical microscopy functions
11.16 Multifunctional scanning probe microscope (SPM) NT-206
11.18 Dielectric resonator with the capacity of up to 30 GHz and ceramic bases for microwave devices
11.19 Regulated combined power source
11.20 Ceramic material for energy-consuming condensers
11.21 Piezoceramic rings for laser gyroscope switching system
11.22 Ceramic multiresonator small-outline packages for microwave range filters
11.23 Ultrasonic take-up oscillators for fluid flow sensing device
11.24 Piezoceramic transducers for vibrometers and balancing equipment
11.26 Piezoceramic oscillators for aerosol spraying of liquids
11.27 Piezoceramic movers for scanning tunnel and power microscopes
11.28 Piezoceramic oscillators and receivers for ultrasonic liquid flow meters and heat meters
11.29 Vortex ultrasonic fluid flow sensing device
11.30 Remote device for temperature measuring with 1,0E-04°С accuracy
11.31 Elements for controlling generation impulse length of ruby and neodymium lasers
11.32 Light filters for IR range of spectrum
11.36 Microprocessor-based temperature-measuring device, accuracy class: 0.1
11.37 Generating environment Cr:ZnSe for tuneable lasers of medium IR-range
11.38 Cryogenic superconductive transformer
11.39 Generating environment α - K Gd(WO4)2: Yb+3
11.40 Generating environment α - K Gd(WO4)2: Nd+3
11.42 Optical bleaching agents for polymeric materials
11.43 Modified polymer carriers for enzyme-linked immunoassay
11.44 Oligonucleotides (primers of polymerase chain reaction)
11.45 Technology of sapropelic feed additives production
11.46 Liquid humic fertilizers with microelements “EleHum”
11.49 Formation of metallic coating on ferrites and ceramics
11.50 Installation of surface modification by ultrathin films with roller technologies LT-201