Main Sector of relevance\IRC classification 11. Sciences (Chemistry, Physics etc)
11.42 Optical bleaching agents for polymeric materials
Developers’ contact information
State Scientific Institution “The Institute of Chemistry of New Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”
36 Fr. Skaryna Street, Minsk BY-220141
Optical bleaching agents on the basis of bis(5-alkylbenzenoxaol-2-il)aryles which compare well with world's best analogues.
The methods of synthesis of a number of thermo- and light-fluorescent pigments, suitable for dyeing of various polymers and obtaining both coloured and colourless fluorescent fibres, have been developed. The technologies of production of luminophores with yellowish-green, blue, orange and red luminescence have been synthesized, developed and improved. These fluorescent dyes can also be used in manufacturing of printing inks for protection of documents and securities.
Technology type
Technical advantages and economic benefits
Developed optical bleaching agents compare well with world's best analogues. They are bis(5-alkilbenzoksazol-2-il)aryls obtained from domestic raw materials through condensation of aromatic diacids by alkilaminofenoles.
Technology differentiation and uniqueness
Patents of the Republic of Belarus and RB specifications 14532025.005-98 “Optical bleach OPB-1”.
Context in which technology was identified
Second Harbin International Exhibition of Scientific and Technological Achievements of 2008.
Technological keywords
Optical bleach, fluorescent dyes.
Development Stage
Intellectual property rights
Range of applications
Classifier Used at the EU Innovation Relay Centres
Preferable Regions
Practical experience
In the State Scientific Institution “The Institute of Chemistry of New Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus” optical bleaching substances with customer specific properties are being developed on experimental lines.
Environmental impact
Produced on the basis of raw materials, no great danger to the environment.
Type of collaboration sought
Terms and restrictions
Available technical assistance