Catalogue of Innovation Technology Offers by Organizations of NAS of Belarus
Message from the Chairman of the Presidium of NAS of Belarus
State achievements in economic, political and cultural spheres in the present conditions are based on the development of science. The innovative way of development chosen by the Republic of Belarus allows the country to ensure sustained high growth rates of the national economy. The leading role of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in this process is undeniable: as the highest state scientific institution it arranges and coordinates basic and applied research in the whole scientific realm of Belarus. The Academy is actively involved in the implementation of large complex programs of the national scope, such as the launch of the first Belarusian satellite and the creation of geo-sensing system, the construction of the first Belarusian nuclear power plant, the development of mineral resources of the country, the production of pharmaceutical substances, the creation of advanced agricultural machinery systems, manufacturing a wide range of petrochemical products and others. The priority directions of scientific and technological activities in the country are: energy and energy efficiency; agrotechnology and manufacturing; industrial and construction technologies and production; medicine, medical equipment and technology, pharmacy; chemical engineering, nanotechnology and biotechnology; information and communication technologies, aerospace technologies; new materials; environmental management, resource conservation and protection from emergency situations; defense capacity and national security. The Academy has considerable scientific potential in each of these areas, as well as a welldeveloped infrastructure for scientific research and development activities. The Academy of Sciences carries out the function of a business incubator for hightech industries, which test scientific ideas, bringing them to scaling in production conditions. As a result, there are industries of V–VI technological structures established and operating at the Academy of Sciences, implemented system projects, which provide the development of fundamentally new economic sectors and activities in the Republic of Belarus. The main resource and possessions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are its people whose high level of research allows the Academy to meet high requirements of both state governing bodies and international scientific cooperation system. This is more than 18.000 employees – including 2.000 PhDs and more than 480 doctors of science, 115 corresponding members, 77 academicians. The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus implements the projects and contracts in collaboration with numerous national and foreign scientific and manufacturing enterprises, actively participates in the programs of international organizations. We invite our potential partners for mutually beneficial cooperation, participation in joint projects and ventures, as well as to become customers of our science-intensive products.
Best regards, |