Main Sector of relevance\IRC classification 3. Biological Sciences
3.20 Develop and introduce in health care practice the technology of determination of the tumor cells sensitivity of breast cancer in primary culture to anticancer chemotherapeutic drugs in order to select the optimal chemotherapy
Developers’ contact information
1) State Scientific Institution “The Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering”
220072, Minsk, Akademicheskaya St., 27
Теl.+375 (17) 284-17-49, Fax +375 (17) 284-23-59
Definition technology in vitro of chemotherapy drugs effect on metabolic processes in tumor cells of a breast cancer in primary culture.
Conducting methods of primary culture of tumor cells in
macro- and micro- quantities from operational and biopsy material of
patients with the verified diagnosis of a breast cancer are developed.
optimum biochemical indicators characterizing the chemotherapy drugs
influence on activity of cellular enzymes, proliferation and initiation
of apoptosis processes are chosen. The chemotherapy drugs are applied
according to the report confirmed by Ministry of Health of the Republic
of Belarus.
The tumor cells cultivation without chemotherapy drugs
makes it possible to estimate the speed of cellular division which
reflects the degree of malignant tumor’s development.
Technology type
Technical advantages and economic benefits
The technology is the basis for choosing the right strategy and tactics of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer treatment, which significantly increases the efficiency of treatment, increases disease-free survival and overall survival and quality of life. It is expected to decrease the economic costs in the result of adequate selection of chemotherapy drugs for patients and to reduce the period of temporary incapacity.
Technology differentiation and uniqueness
New technology.
Context in which technology was identified
The rationalization proposal № 120 from 29.07.2010 “The method of evaluating the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs on tumor cells of breast cancer in primary culture using biochemical criteria” which is used in the department of oncomammology since 17.06.2010 is implemented in the Republican Research and Practical Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology named after N.N. Alexandrov.
Technological keywords
Breast cancer, primary cultures of tumor cells, chemotherapy drugs, acetylcholinesterase, dehydrogenase.
Development Stage
Intellectual property rights
Range of applications
Medicine, oncology, oncomammalogy.
Classifier Used at the EU Innovation Relay Centres
Preferable Regions
Practical experience
Introduced and implemented.
Environmental impact
Type of collaboration sought
Terms and restrictions
Support provided at transfer of the technology