Main Sector of relevance\IRC classification 1. Agriculture, Food and Marine Resources

1.53 Develop new domestic products and integrated ways to deal with Philometroides fish infection and introduce them into production

Developers’ contact information

Republican Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise “The Institute for Fish Industry” of Republican Unitary Enterprise “The Scientific and Practical Center for Animal Breeding”
220024, Minsk, Stebenev St., 22
Теl.+375 (17) 275-16-25, Fax +375 (17) 275-30-60

Skurat Evelina Kazimirovna
Теl. +375 (17) 275-33-52; e-mail:


A drug for anthelminthic treatment of pond fish (carp, European carp and their hybrids, crucian carp) with Philometroides lusiana infection. Antihelminthic against nematode infection.


Timtetrazole (Timtetrazolum), (tetramizole, nilverm) (D, L - 2-3-5-6-tetrahydro-6-phenyl-imidazo-(2,1-B)-thiazole-hydrochloride - granular antihelmintic of nematode action spectrum containing 20% of the active substance (ADV) tetramizole hydrochloride and bulking agents (lactose, cattle chalk, precipitated chalk, or other inert materials).
The drug consists of white granules with faint characteristic smell. It is well disintegrated in the wet feed. Timtetrazole is stable during three years storage (factory packaging, dark, dry place at temperatures from +4 to +25 ° C).
Active substance - tetramizole hydrochloride – disturbs the nematode energy metabolism and inhibits the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate acid, inhibits the activity of fumarate and succinate dehydrogenase.
Timtetrazole is a low-toxic anthelminthic, it is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, does not have teratogenic, embryotoxic and allergenic properties.
Timtetrazole is used as therapeutic pellets at a dose of 15 mg ADV / kg of fish (4kg of timtetrazole per 1 ton of combined feed).
Therapeutic pellets with timtetrazole are used at a rate of 5% from weight of fish by the method group feeding during two consecutive days. Preimaginal anthelminthic treatment is conducted in the summer (III ten-day period of July - I ten-day period of August) with water temperature no less than 16-18 ° C. Side effects of applying timtetrazole in such doses in pond fish were not found.

Technology type

Technical advantages and economic benefits

Domestic therapeutic drug, more effective and cheaper than imported analogs. Implementation of this development will increase the fish productivity up to 10%, lower the cost of antiepizootic measures up to 30-40% of, to save currency fund, and also export products.

Technology differentiation and uniqueness

Modern domestic drug effective in treatment against nematodoses.

Context in which technology was identified

The drug is introduced and widely used in fish farms of the Republic of Belarus and the near broad countries and abroad.

Technological keywords

Nematodoses, Philometroides infection, anthelminthic, prevention, treatment, timtetrazole-20.

Development Stage

Intellectual property rights

Range of applications

Fish farming, veterinary science.

Classifier Used at the EU Innovation Relay Centres

Preferable Regions

Practical experience

The drug is introduced and applied.

Environmental impact

Type of collaboration sought

Terms and restrictions

Support provided at transfer of the technology