Main Sector of relevance\IRC classification 1. Agriculture, Food and Marine Resources

1.52 Creation of innovative synthesis area and production of new generation of bacterial concentrates

Developers’ contact information

Scientific and Production Republican Subsidiary Unitary Enterprise “The Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry”
220075, Minsk, Partizanskiy Prospect, 172
Tel./Fax:  +375 (17) 344-38-52

Meleschenya Aleksej Viktorovich
Теl.: +375 (17) 299-62-06; e-mail:

Furik Natalia Nikolaevna
Теl.: +375 (17) 344-38-66; e-mail:


Innovative synthesis area and production of new generation of bacterial concentrates is production of dry bacterial concentrates on the basis of lactic acid, propionic-acid and bifidus bacteria which are used for manufacturing of fermented dairy products, with capacity of 3500kg per year. The process of production of dry bacterial concentrates consists of the following technological operations: fermentation, cells concentration, cool dehumidification.


-create modern research and development base for creation of bacterial concentrates and their experimental-industrial production;
-create educational base for specialists in usage of new types of concentrates for food production in dairy and meat industries;
-transfer to qualitatively new and higher level the work on selection of industrially valuable strains and broaden their special collection in “The Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry”;
-expand the range of produced bacterial concentrates and ensure their production in dry condition up to 3500kg per year (currently approximately 500kg of dry concentrates are produced per year).
The significance is the expansion of production of domestic bacterial concentrates which will have import substitution of about 2 mn USD per year. The realization of the project will make it possible to provide approximately 30% of bacterial concentrates needed for milk processing industry of the Republic of Belarus, including 100% of needed frozen-dried bacterial concentrates. Potential customers of production planned products are enterprises of milk processing industry of the Republic of Belarus.

Technology type

Technical advantages and economic benefits

Innovative synthesis area and production of new generation of bacterial concentrates is upgraded with modern equipment allowing of production of bacterial concentrates which qualitative characteristics are not inferior to world analogs. The experience of “The Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry” in the sphere of isolation, identification and selection of starters and in the sphere of the production of bacterial concentrates on their basis will make it possible to expand the range of produced bacterial concentrates which, in its turn, will lead to expansion of the range of milk processing products, bioproducts rich in probiotic microorganisms, including baby food.

Technology differentiation and uniqueness

New production.

Context in which technology was identified

Bacterial concentrates produced in experimental and technological production of biotechnology department of “The Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry” are delivered to 49 milk processing enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.

Technological keywords

Biotechnology, bacterial concentrates, bacterial starters.

Development Stage

Intellectual property rights

Range of applications

Biotechnology, milk processing technology, meat processing technology.

Classifier Used at the EU Innovation Relay Centres

Preferable Regions

Practical experience

The technology is introduced and implemented.

Environmental impact

Type of collaboration sought

Terms and restrictions

Support provided at transfer of the technology