Main Sector of relevance\IRC classification 1. Agriculture, Food and Marine Resources
1.45 Recommendations on return of berry plants of cowberry family on produced swamp peat bogs
Developers’ contact information
State Scientific Institution "The Institute of Forest of the
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
71, Proletarskaya Str., 246001 Gomel
Use of the Recommendations sets up the system of forestry-based and special measures facilitating return of cranberry and blueberry on produced swamp peat bog.
The recommendations comprise general conditions, ecologic-and-biological characteristics of cranberry and blueberry, requirements for implementation of measures for reconstruction of berry-fields on produced swamp peat bog (ecological conditions of peat-bogs, seed grain, preparation of a site for exploitation, the technology of seeds receiving from berrylike extractions, the sowing technology, crop tending, ecological efficiency of recommended measures).
Technology type
Technical advantages and economic benefits
The recommended technologies are based on two technical developments with essential global novelty submitted under applications for development to the National Center of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus; one of them was awarded with a patent of the Republic of Belarus. The economic efficiency of the development after berry-fields enter the period of fructification varies from 1 (blueberry) to 2 million rubles/ha (cranberry). Peat lands covered with berrylike brushwood are less exposed to aquatic and wind erosion, and berries can stabilize nutritive base of tetraonidae.
Technology differentiation and uniqueness
Carrying out of joint research scientific work and delivery of recommendations.
Context in which technology was identified
In the Forestry Ministry of the Republic of Belarus.
Technological keywords
Cranberry, blueberry, seeds clearing and sowing, water resources and mineral nutrition management.
Development Stage
Intellectual property rights
Range of applications
Classifier Used at the EU Innovation Relay Centres
Preferable Regions
Practical experience
The recommendations have been implemented and are used in
organizational units of the Forestry Ministry of the Republic of Belarus.
The recommendations were registered on April 06, 2007 in the normative
documents register of the Forestry Ministry of the Republic of Belarus No
000073, are accepted and put into operation by the Order of the Forestry
Minister of the Republic of Belarus No 101 of May 02, 2007, are published in
the Bulletin “Scientific and Technical Information in Forestry”, Issue 5. -
Minsk, 2007 - pp. 1-17.
Environmental impact
Type of collaboration sought
Terms and restrictions
To be mentioned in the Contract.
Available technical assistance