Main Sector of relevance\IRC classification 1. Agriculture, Food and Marine Resources

1.40 Methodological recommendations for sound management and protection of wood berry plants and agricultural lands for edible mushrooms in the Republic of Belarus

Developers’ contact information

State Scientific Institution "The Institute of Forest of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
71, Proletarskaya Str., 246001 Gomel

Valeriy Vasilievich Grimashevich , Candidate of Agricultural Science
Tel. 375 (232) 74-59-09, fax: +375 (232) 74-73-73


The methodological recommendations specify conditions for sound management, reproduction and resources protection of wood berry plant and edible mushrooms, taking into account provision of ecologically defendant, economically profitable, socially-oriented forest management and their multipurpose unexhausted usage by minimal adverse environmental impact.


The methodological recommendations consist of general provisions; rate accounting, distribution and limit establishment for storage or purchase of berrylike and mushroom resources; silvicultural and ecological conditions for sound management of berrylike and mushroom resources; measures for sound management; reproduction and protection of berrylike and mushroom resources; socio-economic environment for sound management of berrylike and mushroom resources. Allowable felling volumes of main types of berries (blackberry, cranberry, blueberry, and cowberry) and mushrooms (cepe, chanterelle dace, honey mushroom, aspen mushroom, rough boletus) in the forests of the Republic of Belarus in terms of administrative districts (average long-term data) have been specified.

Technology type

Technical advantages and economic benefits

The methodological recommendations provide ecologically defendant, economically profitable, social-oriental forest management and their multipurpose unexhausted usage by minimal adverse environmental impact taking into account requirements of international economic integration.

Technology differentiation and uniqueness

Conclusion for carrying out of cooperative scientific research activities and delivery of methodic recommendations.

Context in which technology was identified

Institutions of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection, the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus.

Technological keywords

Berrylike and mushroom resources, agricultural lands; yielding ability, main and reserve resources; measures for sound management, reproduction and protection.

Development Stage

Intellectual property rights

Range of applications

Forestry, ecosystem exploitation

Classifier Used at the EU Innovation Relay Centres

Preferable Regions

Practical experience

The methodological recommendations are implemented and are used in structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of the Republic of Belarus.
The methodological recommendations are accepted by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of the Republic of Belarus No 392 dated 15 February, 2005.
These recommendations are published in the Collection of Normative Documents on the Issues Concerning Environment Protection/Author R. K. Kozhevnikova, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of the Republic of Belarus.- Issue 57. – Minsk: RUE "BelSRI "Ecologia", 2006. – pp. 183-201.

Environmental impact


Type of collaboration sought

Terms and restrictions

TBD in the contract.

Available technical assistance