Main Sector of relevance\IRC classification 1. Agriculture, Food and Marine Resources

1.27 Oats Zapavet

Oats Zapavet

Developers’ contact information

Republican Unitary Enterprise "The Scientific And Practical Center For Arable Farming of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
1, Timiriasev Str., 222160 Zhodino
Tel/ Fax: +375 (1775) 370-66

S.P. Haletskiy
Tel.: +375 (1775) 324-11, e-mail:


Fodder variety for commercial corn production used in grocery and mixed fodder production. Low-membrane variety is registered in the State Registry for use throughout Belarus.


New middle-late variety Zapavet is protected by patent of the Republic of Belarus No. 128 (28 June 2006) for the variety of plants.

Technology type

Technical advantages and economic benefits

High-yielding variety. Forms low-membrane corn (membrane rate 23-24%) with the level of protein up to 13%. Semi-resistant to stem and crown rust affects. Maximum yield is 94.3 centner/ha, average yield is 67.2 centner/ha. Exhibits intensive initial plant growing, resistant to lodging.

Technology differentiation and uniqueness

Fodder use. Low-membrane corn, semi-resistant to fungal illnesses.

Context in which technology was identified

International Specialized Exhibition “Belagro – 2004-2008” (Minsk, Belarus).

Technological keywords

Oats, variety, membrane rate, yield, protein.

Development Stage

Intellectual property rights

Range of applications

Agriculture, production of commercial and seed corn.

Classifier Used at the EU Innovation Relay Centres

Preferable Regions

Practical experience

Introduced into agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Belarus over the area of 2000 ha.

Environmental impact

Environmentally safe.

Type of collaboration sought

Terms and restrictions

Defined by the license contract.

Available technical assistance