Development of information systems based on identification technologies (barcodes, RFID), IoT, DLT
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The Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics
The Scientific and Engineering Republican Unitary Enterprise "The Inter-Industry Scientific and Practical Centre for Identification Systems and E-Business Operations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
Reshetniak Alexandr
+375 17 294-90-80
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Centre for Identification Systems is an accredited scientific organization, which has long been involved in development and promotion of paperless technologies in commerce and industries.[br][/br][br][/br]The Centre has developed a national system for article numbering, automatic identification and electronic commerce as part of the international system of GS1 global standards. The Centre creates, develops and maintains government, industry and corporate information resources for production, logistics and trade.[br][/br][br][/br]The Centre is a vendor of ready-to-deploy automated information systems and technologies based on international standards for automatic identification and e-business.[br][/br][br][/br]We have created and keep up to date the national register (depository) of goods, which are marked with the international identification codes (bar codes and RF codes) containing the country prefix 481 assigned to the Republic of Belarus.[br][/br][br][/br]The Centre maintains the Databank of Electronic Passports of Goods ( - the republican information system for basic information (master-data) about the products that are manufactured or sold in Belarus. The Databank is used for automated accounting and logistics in the commodity distribution networks and for management of e-commerce processes (more than 8500 participating companies and more than 9,5 mln. Items).[br][/br][br][/br]We maintain the automated system “Control of legality of goods” based on RFID-technologies.[br][/br][br][/br]All the above mentioned has close relation to the area of interests associated with the assignment.
The Center for Identification Systems performs the development and implementation of software and automated information systems built on the basis of automatic identification technologies. The center has ready-made solutions that allow the introduction of automatic identification technologies in the production processes of the enterprise with minimal costs.[br][/br][br][/br]At the initial stage, the automation object is inspected (studying the customer's business processes). Based on the received data and taking into account the customer's requirements for the solutions being developed, the cost of works and necessary equipment is calculated. The work is carried out on a contractual basis on various terms: from the development and implementation of turnkey systems to the provision of consulting services for the development, implementation and modernization of automated information systems.[br][/br][br][/br]Being a dynamically developing organization, the Center actively cooperates with the leading scientific and production organizations of Belarus and has a developed information and technical infrastructure and a professional staff that, on the whole, will allow performing scientific and practical work at a high professional level.
Technology Type
Technology Benefits
The Centre has an advanced material and technical basis, as well as scientific basis, and a sufficient number of qualified staff.[br][/br][br][/br]The Centre is an independent expert organization, which set up a radio frequency identification laboratory and a verification laboratory for bar codes, which was accredited by the National Standardization Committee. The Centre currently promotes implementation of international standards in the field of automatic identification technologies in Belarus, performs research and develops automated systems, is actively involved in the standardization work at the national level.[br][/br][br][/br]The laboratories cooperate with a number of leading Belarusian universities that carry out research and provide training for highly skilled specialists.[br][/br][br][/br]In 2012, with involvement of GS1 Belarus, RFID Laboratory became a RFID/EPC Laboratory and was incorporated in the European GS1 EPC/RFID Lab Network.[br][/br][br][/br]Besides that, the National Standardization Committee has established the National Technical Committee for Standardization TC BY 24 “Identification” within the Centre.
Technology Differentiation and Uniqueness
The Centre is an accredited scientific organization, which develops a national system for article numbering, automatic identification and electronic commerce as part of the international system of GS1 Global Standards. It creates, develops and maintains government, industry and corporate information resources for production, logistics and trade.[br][/br][br][/br]The Centre is an authorized body that issues certificates for operators of the electronic document management dealing with electronic waybills (EDI providers).[br][/br][br][/br]Our Research and Practical Activity:[br][/br]- Article numbering and maintenance of the National Depository of International identification codes (bar codes) of products;[br][/br]- Electronic document management (for office needs and e-commerce);[br][/br]- Research and development activities related to RFID technologies;[br][/br]- IOT-based monitoring systems.
Context in which technology was identified
Customers (users) of the Centre's major projects:[br][/br]- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and its offices in other countries;[br][/br]- Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- Department of the State Signs of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;[br][/br]- State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- Association for Automatic Identification GS1 Belarus.
Technological Keywords
identification, barcodes, RFID, IoT, WSN, DLT, traceability, Auto-ID, EPC, GS1
Development Stage
Basic research
Applied research
Results of demonstration test available
Currently in use/production
Main Projects Maintenance Provided by the Centre:[br][/br]- Depository of Identification Codes (using unique international identification codes, registration of enterprises in GS1 system, registration of goods in the bar codes depository, maintenance and retrieval of this information, preparation of electronic documents; confirmation of identification codes legality;[br][/br]- Animal Identification and Tracking System;[br][/br]- Automated Information System library funds accountancy based on radio frequency identification technology;[br][/br]- SMART CARD for pupils and students - an innovative project on implementation of smart documents for students in the educational system;[br][/br]- ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT - distributed network of foreign establishments, over 100 thousand documents annually in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus; over 120 organizations of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, more than 20 thousand documents annually;[br][/br]- COMMODITY DISTRIBUTION NETWORK OF THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD (more than 120 enterprises);[br][/br]- DATABASE OF ELECTRONIC PASSPORTS OF GOODS - more than 4,500 participating companies and over 8 mln. items;[br][/br]- AUTOMATED SYSTEM "CONTROL OF LEGALITY OF GOODS" for Eurasian area.
Intellectual Property Rights
Secret Know-How
Range of Applications
We have joint projects and collaborate with:[br][/br]- National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;[br][/br]- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and its offices in other countries;[br][/br]- Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- Department of the State Signs of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus;[br][/br]- Universities and educational institutions of Belarus;[br][/br]- Association for Automatic Identification GS1 Belarus;[br][/br]- Republican association of industrial enterprises "BelAPP";[br][/br]- Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;[br][/br]- Scientific and technological association "Infopark".
Classifier Used at the Enterprise Europe Network
ICT Industry and Services
Classifier Used at the Technology Transfer Network of Inc.
Electronic Data Processing
Preferable Regions
North America
South America
Type of Collaboration Sought
R&D Contract
Available Technical Assistance