EEN Classifier: Nano- and Microtechnologies

 № (TO)SubmittedTechnology Offer Title
View289215/07/2020Carbon nanocomposit based on the fullerene soot
View289315/07/2020Technology and equipment for production of metal-oxide composite materials for thick-film heating elements
View288210/07/2020Diamond powders AC65 and higher with output of grain 125/100 - 250/200 no less than 40%
View288408/07/2020High-strength diamond and cubic boron nitride powders with amorphous coatings
View288608/07/2020Composition superhard material (CSHM) based on diamond and CSHM based on cubic boron nitride (CBN) with diameter 5 mm and thickness 3-4 mm.
View288808/07/2020Polycrystalline superhard material based on the cuvic boron nitride with nano-sized structure
© National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Innovation Association "Republican Centre for Technology Transfer"
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